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WorkSmarter: Business IT Consulting

IT business consultant in Kent

You’ve got a vision but you’re just not sure how to get from A to B in the simplest, painless, and most cost-effective way.

If IT or technology isn’t your thing, it can feel a bit like a foreign language, standing in unknown territory.

We’ve got the tools and know-how to get you there. Whether that’s through expert advice, or managing the journey from beginning to end, you can partner with our IT consultants to guide you through your transformative journey.

Explore the solutions below and decide which one best suits your vision.

Business solutions available from our IT consultancy service

Solving a problem

Maybe your business is growing faster than you can scale? Or your employees are getting bogged down with manual processes?

Whatever the problem, our IT consultancy service will have the solution.

Managing a programme

Are you looking for an experienced project lead, to take your business potential to the next level?

Our IT consultants can do everything from logistics and working with third parties, to project management and ensuring deadlines are met.

Planning long-term

If you’re looking for an IT partnership, you’re in the right place. We provide your business with strategic leadership, aka lending you one of our talented IT consultants once a month, to help you achieve your goals.

Meet your Lead IT Consultant

Nick Ellis has spent his career thus far, working with businesses big and small, to elevate their IT solutions. He helps businesses in Kent and the South-East of England to refine their internal processes and utilise their technology to its full potential.

With a focus on the human experience of using technology, Nick has found great success as lead consultant. He comes from a professional background in IT services, customer support and team management, specialising his knowledge in the fresh produce industry.

IT Consultancy framework

To make the most of our time together, our approach to each project is structured using our Consultancy Framework. Although every business is unique, these standard touchpoints allow you to understand what to expect throughout the process.

Strategic IT consultancy in Kent


Understanding where your business is now, where you want to be and how you’re going to get there

Organisational IT consultancy


Is your business organised in the right way to make the most of your technology? We’ll look at how technology can fit in with your current organisational structure

Technology Consultancy in Kent


We’ll assess what technology you need in place to succeed as well as reviewing how your current technology may be preventing you from achieving your goals

IT  process consultancy in Kent


From a full understanding of your business and ambitions, we can determine how we can make your existing processes more efficient with technology or automation

Bespoke IT roadmaps created by our IT consultants

Your bespoke roadmap

Your IT consultant will formulate all of this into an easy to follow roadmap specific to your business.

They will schedule regular check in points to review progress and ensure your project is on track every step of the way.

The Practical Guide to Transforming your Business with Technology - Created by our IT consultants

The Practical Guide to Transforming your Business with Technology

Download The Practical Guide to Transforming your Business with Technology. This e-guide is the perfect tool for SME and SMB organisations who are looking to make the best of the technology they have or need.


If you’re interested in learning more about digital IT transformation, check out our blogs.

Get in touch with one of our consultants today to discuss your needs

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