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Select Webinar: What’s new in Teams?

Recorded October 2020

With our increased use of Teams, and the fast paced development by Microsoft, we wanted to provide you a run down of lots of the new features that have been rolled out, such as together mode, Planner and Business Voice. We will also chat about future planned updates, such as SharePoint integration, Insights and Breakout Rooms.

How Microsoft Teams has changed in 2020

We are all adapting to working remotely and we’ve seen a number of new phrases enter the language this year – “Work from anywhere” is one we like a lot, and…

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Working from home

The benefits of Teams are wide-ranging. Utilising its features in the right way will improve productivity and communication across your business, as well as promoting collaboration and team work.

Personal and Team Task Management – Microsoft Planner & To Do

With so many people working from home, how we coordinate our tasks is going to be crucial to remaining focused and productive.

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