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Select Webinar: Cyber Security

Recorded October 2020

With cyber threats on the rise, and the threat to individuals and organisations increasing we get together with our resident cyber security expert Russell Gower-Leech to chat about the current state of affairs, why you should care? What are the risks? How has working from home impacted security? Tips and tricks to protect yourself and the organisation you are part of.

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Cyber Security: Playing the Blame Game
Common phishing types
Spotting a phish

I was talking with a colleague the other day about security breaches and in particular business email compromises. Just to set the scene, a business email…

Cybercrime is on the rise and the types of phishing scams are evolving, our ability to identify them has never been more important in both protecting ourselves…

Phishing is the most popular form of cyber crime. It’s scam form that has been around for years from the comical prince to the current COVID-19 disguise.

Your presenters:

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